Saturday, October 31, 2020


black is the shitist color that has ever existed. It is just pure shit, 2 times the color of spit. It is such shit that it has like 16 difference shades of black Niger shit.

Saturday, October 3, 2020



A quark is a spark of tear/tare in random jigglish space and time. It knows a motive and a rhyme. What does a quark know about me? They know sensitivity in a way. Why? Because they do not know brunt force trauma. They know puppets and plays. They know big A’s, and brighter solar system’s we can only imagine.

They are plus down fine for greedy newbies and plus down up for patented planets and sporks, also known as clown dorks.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Why am I a horrible person?

To the mormon bregade.

Cause you treat women like shit. You should do more yoga.

- Godfather

Today - 10/28/2021

Today I am Mistro SinSin. This is a very good todo, and jim im jimmy jate(nothing todo with faggot date). It Sin's, it hollar's, it ...